Advance Project management

Advanced Project Management

Streamline your project initiation to project closure process with our latest add-on for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central – Advance Project Management. Advance Project Management add-on is designed to simplify, automate, and integrate your project quotations with the project module all under one unified system. Our solution helps businesses efficiently manage and send project quotations to customers.

Advance Project Management

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Key Features

User-Friendly Interface

Our intuitive interface allows users to easily manage and send quotations to customers, with the ability to define the terms and conditions and retrieve the history of quotations in one convenient screen.

Approval Workflow

Quotations submitted by users are automatically routed to designated approvers for review and approval, ensuring compliance with company policies.

Multiple Revisions

Our add-on provides the ability to revise the project quotes for unlimited number of times and maintain the history of the revisions for better analysis

History Tracking

Gain real-time visibility into the history of quotations that were sent and converted to the projects.

Terms & Conditions

Our add-on is fully customizable to adapt to your unique business needs, allowing you to define terms & conditions, exemptions, payment terms, and qualification criteria.

Integration with PR

Project Quote add-on is seamlessly integrated with Purchase Requisition allowing users to create requisitions from the projects and convert these requisitions after approval into purchase orders.

Why Choose Tech Ventures Advanced Project Management?

Our add-on for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is designed to simplify, automate, and integrate your project quotations with the project module allowing you to focus on conversions that keep growing your business. With seamless integration, user-friendly interface, and powerful features, Project Quote is the ultimate solution for efficient project management.

Let our consultant get in touch with you.